The Boy behind the Wheel / Abu Karim

A pair of feet active behind the wheel

that footfall seems familiar to me.

Tearing out the clouds of memory far away,

I’m looking back at a pair of feet and actually towards

its speed through the obscure lens.


The boy behind the wheel,

after a long span of time have appeared

again before my sight with all his green.


The detached lid of a barrel,

the left away wheel of a bicycle

or rickshaw gets life

after the boy’s force on his stick.


The metal road, concrete path

or even the muddy rustic path-

everywhere the boy was running non-stop ahead

dream possessed.


There moves a live speed

beyond the glasses of spectacles.






March 5,1998



''চাকার পেছনে বালক'' কবিতার অনুবাদ

[Translated by Dulal Al Monsur]



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