A boy and his mask
When I’m at school I’m always wearing a mask
I keep quiet, do my work, and always the first to class
I’m very punctual I student I show up almost every day
I work really hard in class to try to get all A’s
I don’t speak unless spoken to and act very antisocial
I’m always getting questioned about having any vocals
I’m a very good student with no sleep lost
But that all changes when the mask comes off
When the mask comes off and the curtains come down
That’s when the fun in me shows and it’s time to act a clown
I go to parties and kickbacks then have me a blast
I go play basketball and talk a lot of trash
I’m always dressed dope with a hat to match too
If students see me out of school they ask “Brandon is that you?”
I always smile a lot and almost never bite my tongue
I try to go out on dates, go live life, and have fun
When I get back to my house and all is done and said
I put my mask back on and then happily go to bed
There was once a time where there was no mask in school
But no one took me serious and I was treated as a fool
I tried a different personality that is now known as a mask
Now I can get along with kids and teacher, boy what a task
I do this to get to the college that I want in this world
And not go throughout high school without having kissed a girl
So I’m getting through high school and doing the unheard
By partying with the jocks while still being a nerd