Boom! Boom! Boom!
The sound of my heart thuds louder
Walking never seemed so hard
But it’s dark and I’m alone, ma’s warning rings
The streets empty except for a single man
Walking just a little too fast and close
Boom! Boom! Boom!
It’s hot, my shirt is short with no sleeves
The boys looking unwelcomed
Their comments crawl on my skin
A jacket given because I’m the distraction
My mistake for dressing comfortably
Boom! Boom! Boom!
Working late at the office again
The boss walks up everyday
“Go back to the kitchen where you belong
Leave the work to the men” he spits
Leaving, his eyes scan me up and down
Boom! Boom! Boom!
Walking again, big mistake
A group spots me this time
Whistling and calling to me
Trying to ignore I pretend to call
If I’m not alone they’ll lose interest
Boom! Boom! Boom!
We work the same job, the same time
He brags about his pay
We do the same thing, in the same place
Yet the difference in our earnings is great
What makes him more qualified?
Boom! Boom! Boom!
The government says my body my choice
But takes the rights we deserve
Old enough to drive, work, and vote
But not to decide if having a child is for me?
Young or old, it is not my choice, but a man’s
Boom! Boom! Boom!
As a woman, I’m supposed to be seen and not heard
Supposed to bow to a man’s orders
Supposed to not ignore, but indulge in their remarks
How can I submit to a man that can’t do the things I’m capable of?
I will stand up to the injustices
And talk back to the comments
For being a woman is to be brave
To be strong and survive
Until the beat of my heart no longer thuds, but beats with life