Why is it when I read your book I find someone else's signture?
Why don't I have the courage to grab my pen and write my name in your book?
Am I apart of your story I just a tree in it?
Passing by
Not paying attention
Walking off with the other main charcter...
As I watch I wish to become a human for you
To walk
To see you smile for me
To laugh
For me
To be
Hand and hand
This story won't become true
Unless I can put my courge into my pen
To sign my name into your book
Become someone who
You will walk with
To aleast be noticed once
Shall be my greatest tale
I shall write it into my book
You can sign in it all you want
I will cherish
The book
Keep it safe from any damage
I promise to keep your writtings away from
Others who try to harm it.
My author
Please write me in
Please notice me
Please.......let me sign your book...