Bloody Mary
We sit quietly in the car in the dark
Candles balanced on the dash
White wax drips to form soft folds, stark
Against the blackness of the ash
Now someone has lit another match.
“Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary”
They chant into wisps of smoke
A mantra that was only scary
Back when we were young folk
It continues thirteen times, what will it evoke?
We think we’re safe, maybe for a little while
Windows are thick enough to keep demons at bay
Right? At least we think, until a menacing smile
Forms on the mirror thinking it’s here to stay
Quick! Step on the gas, we have to get away!
Candles fall into a state of disarray
As we look back, we see poor Mary running
Struggling to keep up, to her dismay
She hadn’t expected us to be this cunning