Lost and beginning to be blind to the world before me.
I was separated from my mother at the age of fourteen.
You never know that someone else’s happiness can turn into your most common pain.
I started to feel like I was on the outside looking into a life that, I once had control of.
Lost and beginning to be blind to the world before me.
Quickly, feeling as if I was on the brink of not being able to go on.
I needed something that would help me persist and see the truth inside of myself.
Sometimes you have to be at your worse just to see that tomorrow might be a better day.
Poetry gave me the chance not to give up on the life that I was barely on the verge of starting.
Lost and beginning to be blind to the world before me.
I had to commence an activity that would put hope in me once again.
Cause as they say sometimes our darkest moments can become our truest realities.
Lost and beginning to be blind to the world before me.
I hated looking into the mirror in the morning, because the person looking back was an unclear and mangled representation.
The joy that I once had was no longer coming through in my presentation of life.
Lost and beginning to be blind to the world before me.
Poetry heard my cry as my fingers helped the pen touch the page and bring life too it.
My voice box became a symphony of self healing and a hurricane of cleansing.
I realized allowing my destiny to be written without my consent was bringing blaspheme to my life story and that had to end.
I had to open my eyes, with the use of the words that were in my soul and raise them from a page, so that I would never again be, lost and blind to the world before me.