The world's becoming blind to what it doesn't want to see.
Yes, it's vision's getting fuzzy.
A little unproportional, unrational, and far from the classical.
I'm waiting for reality to hit, but it's just like 3D.
With 3D glasses,
it's like 3D magic.
How things can be happening around the world, but we wait for it to disappear
like magic.
But faith without works is dead;
words are useless without action.
The world can't heal itself so let's put on a pair of glasses.
My vision on the world is smashing together like colors on a color pallet.
The people are my colors, you can guess what my pallet is.
Everything's mixed in like I have blurry vision,
from the colors of skin,
to gay and straight men.
The sons and daughters who are lost without their fathers and mothers.
Stuck in a daze of hard times; yes poverty strikes,
but the world doesn't hit back.
No, it gets smacked around like a woman getting beat.
It just isn't right.
The hurt and pain, success and gain,
it's all lost in this world we don't change.
When we need change.
So let's make change like four quarters to a dollar.
Let's have whole families and not dead beat fathers.
Let's have sober people high off life.
Have teenagers actually happy to be alive.
Let's stand strong in our hopes and dreams.
Let's be proud to be human beings.
No more walking sticks pretending that we're blind.
Open your eyes to reality.
Pretending you don't see that little boy begging for money because he needs to eat.
Pretending you don't see people struggling through the heat.
You remember that saying "if you make a face for too long it'll stay that way?"
If the world continues on this way,
we'll have generations living with their eyes wide shut,
starting with today.