Black Veil
There's a lot of rules
In this little world of ours;
A list of "do"s and "don't"s
A choking chain
Now that's a funny thing
Since so many are afraid
Of the words others might say
It's so much easier, truly,
To hide behind smoke and mirrors
Because it's a lot simpler, not really,
To live a lie than to live a truth
Almost like well-trained dogs
We bend and flip and jump
To the beat of the crowd
It's become so easy to live behind the veil
It's better to be hated for who you are
Than to be loved for what you're not
There's that funny quote
An admission to a truth too few can embrace
It's easier to live behind the veil
Because it's much easier to be loved
By bending than by standing
By choking than by breathing
And it’s easiest to live
Behind that blackened veil
Because there’s the smoke
To hide from that mirror
Easier to live it is
Behind that blackened veil
Because it’s easier to hide
From who and what you are
Easier in that blackened veil
Because when in hiding
You are safe from everything
Every adversary, even from yourself