Black Berry Name Tory
Blacken Berries
Black OF Barry
Back in Various Thoughts of the Last Name Hunter a sequence
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Crazy How My Instagram Instantly Dams me from Hoovering My life over that hump as my generation doesn't give damn
Cover Lover
Rubber Ducky Toucher was the First thing that taught how to put on a rubber
You hate taking test and bubbling in answers
But since you was a kid coloring books was Trynna teach how stay in lines because that scantron has to be defined.
It’s Crazy How My randomness to you doesn't make a lick of sense but that’s the thing
Nothing we learned at young did, but it instilled in us, everything we do today
I Mean Babies wouldn’t be having Babies if Babies wasn't baby doll crazy
Whipping a Brick with the flick of the wrist is existent with making a Pancake for the first time on the stove top but you allude these things to whipping a hard rock that you only know of because menace to society showed the real thoughts of making a life in the hood around crooked cops
You Only Live Once Is the Motto for someone looking for a quick stop so they can buy that cup of lean and a cigarillo and smoke and drink that in his car until his heart stops
Blacken Berries
Black Of Barry
I am a Blackened Berry and as a Berry I Fall From this Tree of a Scary Generation Flaring and Staring at what I am about to do
I am about to let the seeds of me grow roots and arms to shoot as I stand tall
I AM Tragic in a Daring Satirical Motion
I am that Ocean running in to the Hoover Dam I know I am not the only artist who gives a damn about people in this world being more in the can than in a college with a job
People Rob the Black off of me
But Im a steal it back as Society develops
A status quote about how my black buries me
Low past the Monkey they paint me as my flesh unprovokes me
And as My Next Line makes me Eric Garner and Chokes me
And Makes me Oscar Grant and Hold me down loads Bs inside of me
And Makes me Trayvon Martin,
Paint me every black male
Because I am a 50 shades of Black, I am a berry that can grow scales
And when one black male takes a L and wash it down with Ale for the homies
On bail who either is going back to jail or society lets them fail
I Raise my roots and makes my scales arrive past my Holy Grail and
I Release this
We are Black!
Yall thought I was gonna rant about our generation
No I just want the rest of Generation to give a Damn
And Stop Paying attention to Uncle Sam ramming a Million out of our
Hoods, and start paying attention to Uncle Sam and Uncle Tom
Being from the same Fam because Adam and Eve made all
Yet you guys make my berries paint a monkey across my face then that means you’re a monkey
Start Giving a Damn
The Blackened Berry Standing here let TV blind him before he start giving a damn
The Impossible is Possible I know you Know this because a Berry can’t burry another Berry while a Berry
Is pushed into a world full of clams and survive
But as a Berry I do it every day My Berry Brothers are dying and making a living with the society full of clams
Blackened Berries Covered in a Cape makes me who I am
Im not a SuperHero
Just a Berry who gives a damn.