Lillies in a motionless pit in the dark forest of lies. Secrets being told in color words spoken in detail.
Look at the face of the "Generation" we call today and ask yourself is this what I live in?. Black
dust rose upon the cheek and stained my lips. Day now dawn, beauty is a ugly duckling. Body empty
of lost souls.
Your lips quiver from tears and unresolved mistakes. Your tights are painting pictures of how many
men been inside you. You hold your head down to the Black faces of your old breezes. Your name
has been molested by your friends, church, teachers, even your own parents.
You pretend you hear........see........nothing. Pitch Black in the night you night you hear the voices in your head telling you what to do, How to do it, and when to do it. Part of you are afraid, part of you doesnt want to face the Black. The dark, the emptiness that you feel.
Bitter and untorn seams beautiful at the fingertips. Beast at the heart what do i take from such ugly ways. Black emotionless heart such a cute thing to hear it beat. I lose myself everyday from such amazing myths.I pray for a way out but nothing seems to occur. Black painted windows over my eyes lamp shades drawn at my heart.
I am nomore I am guarded by pass pains emptied and casted out by dark skies. My mind is a uncontrollably thing. I speak for myself and only me my past is a dark love story filled with pretty scars and broken glass faces.
I come from a place where i wish not to return. Only love I have is gone and buried alive for the sake of my mercy. I no longer feel the way I use to. Immortal to thought and deaf to opinions. Dark pitch Black to faces.
Black, Black from beyond the slavery times. Black as the universe began to collide with the sun, jupiter, mars, uranus, and falling galaxies. I am no more I am Black and empty as the nights to come.