misinterpreted by social context and ignorance overlooked and shunned
its brilliance is all too commonly mistaken for hate feared by those who are weak
but if you could just open your eyes and truly see
how beautiful BLACK can be
society, instead has chosen to discredit
not because its research validates some dangerous impact
but because those who cowardly sit on high horsed
see how its potential can overthrow their plot
trust and believe they shiver, as they contemplate in the dark
how to distract and deceive us from seeing
how powerful BLACK can be
no one wants it, seen as a flaw those who possess it and display it
have been faced with unjust laws tell me when did color become a criminal act
judged, and sentenced with time
how and when did the amount of melanin I have justify
being treated with or without respect how are you
able to translate that I should not succeed because of
my ethnic or cultural background, my apologies
i guess I did not know race was a marker for how we behave
knowledge is power this is my truth you have no right to judge
what my BLACK can be
why does it need to possess a negative value hidden histories unspoken truths
unknown potential
KING & QUEENS it unveils an authority like no other
It changes the atmosphere with its presence
do you UNDERSTAND how
exceptionally influencing BLACK can be
i decree BLACK is me