A Bit of Sobriety
This place is sometimes hot,
A little sticky and rough,
people pass, exchange a glance
smile random smiles,
but go away in matter of time.
The sun is sometimes hot
it goes up,
it goes down,
it goes up again.
The wind caresses,
purely constant in its duties,
as the trees shake about.
The sun goes down-
ever so reliant.
The wind cools a sweaty brow
Transcending borders--
the worker in Peru,
businessman in Canada,
actress in America.
The wondrous, mind-blowing
virtue of nature--ever so reliant.
The stars never fail to brighten
the dimness consuming one.
While the rapids flow
without waiting to be asked.
When pondering why we are,
these remain a sightly glance
and often whisper a beautiful:
“Stay awhile,
Stay awhile,
See the grandness of this land.”