Birth and Rebirth of a Poet
I am from my past.
I am from memories.
I am from days faded, and
from nights never ending.
I am from food coloring,
from basement swings;
feet not grazing the ground.
Dreams grazing the sky.
I am from sundaes on Sunday,
and pancakes for lunch.
I am from Oma’s blaukraut:
a smell you can taste.
I am from leaf piles and driveway sledding.
From window goodbyes and sheltering hugs.
From days spent doing everything, but nothing at all.
I am from open arms.
I am from my present.
I am from memories captured.
From disagreements and accord.
I am loved “from the sun, the moon, the stars and back”,
the reminder I will never be alone.
I am from the world.
from the well traveled;
from destinations remote.
I am from cavemen and ice cream:
The perfect combination lifestyle.
I am from late night goodbyes and morning well wishes.
I am from car dancing.
I am from singing to the radio, a little off key.
From music,
Where there is no communication barrier.
I am from the over thinker and the nonchalant.
From opposites
who gave me a glimpse of life;
of friendship;
of soul mates.
I am from helping hands.
I am from my future.
I am from feeling too much, and not enough.
I am from eyes,
And seeing what others seem to overlook.
I am from escapes.
In music.
In literature.
I am from spending more time enjoying. More time feeling.
Just more time.
I am from complaining.
From second guessing.
From late nights.
I am from long thoughts, and
Shower debates.
I am from thoughts and aspirations that are uncertain.
I am from writing.
I am from too many thoughts, and not enough words.
From my hands speaking;
Saying the things I cannot out loud.