The Big-Headed Midget
He is Stubborn
Rejecting the sound mind that was originally his savior
Only to be left in the depths of ignorance- void of favor
So used to being right, that he could not accept his blatant wrong
Thoughts of reason rarely penetrated his head
It was as if trying to communicate with the dead
He is Hateful
Bereft of the capability of being kind- ungrateful
Notoriously known for his spit fire tongue,
That strikes out on those from every rung
Burning and scorching until only humiliation is seen
On the rosy red cheeks, dripping with shame
He is Elitist
Drawn to higher grounds of egotism,
Unrealized potential chocking in this inhalant of conceit
His only escape from this clouded future
Is to retract his head from the murky sky,
Take a moment and realize
That He,
The Big-Headed Midget,
Is only two feet high