big boy
I bake carrot cake
I bake carrot cake for the birthdays and beyond
Even though I hate carrot cake I bake the damn thing and
my hands are orange!
I do it all for you goddamn
i do
Look you see they lost after all
I had to be bigger than the big man to prove it to him
I had to be bigger than the big ones that sat their big asses down on my big man
Bigger than the big buildings that the big bums climb all under
Bigger than the moon man and bigger than the atom bomb
Bigger than the Beatles
Bigger than Jesus, hell.
I had to be big to beat em
Big to beat them down I showed them
And now I took away their wedding churches hah!
And I'm picking up all the cookie crumbs and putting them in the fire! Fuck em.
I'm the big boss now and the shadow I cast
Brings winter across the world forever and ever
The big man would be proud