Big Bellies
I walk around alone and I observe everything around me
I see high school girls walking to class with big bellies ready to pop
One, two, three, four, five girls walk by, how could this be?
They're only between 13 to 17 years old top
Did they not know how to use protection?
What about using birth control?
Now they may even have to go through a c-section.
Did they not think about the consequences of not closing their hole?
What happened to their teachers and the education they received?
How could this not be something that they were informed about?
Now they have to live with what they've conceived.
The school board, the teachers, they need to shout
Don't just promote abstinence
It won't stop these students from fufilling they're urges
Give them condoms, give them birth control, to prevent an accident
Inform these children, both boys and girls, so that the knowledge emerges
So that they know what they're getting themselves into
So that they know how to make better choices
So that they know what to do
To prevent these girls with big bellies and loud voices
To prevent a child from raising a child
So that when they are ready to get their big belly, they will receive it with a smile.