In-between Queer
You always just assumed that things were red and blue. The wonderful evil and the awful truth. No in-between was necessary to you.
Well, now I have become that necessary in-between. The factor standing in between right and wrong, pass or fail, girl or boy.
I am needed today to stand up for my people that sit on the sidelines that openly cheer me on for our mutual identities. I also stand for those that sit in their rooms and have to reevaluate their situation once their mom finds other they aren't like the other kids.
They don't wear dresses or tuxedos. They wear skirts and long sleeve polo stained with the tears they cry in silence. Tears cried because they are misgendered daily and called out in class for being different from the others.
One of a kind but shown no kindness, no, they have to hang on to the last thread of hope as they try so desperately not to let go.
Here's my message to those kids: don't let go. We're coming with the laws to back up the rights you deserve. Yes, you. That beautiful person hiding behind uncomfortable clothes and living under the slurs our people have to endure. Hang in there my friend, we will be there soon.