Better version of wrong love
Her name was Bella, she liked this boy named Jack. Jacl was the popular Jock boy who had tons of fangirls. But Jack was kind, empathetic, sympathetic, and helpful.
Bella was the exact the same, but she was more of the silent type
No one's point of view
One day Jack accidentally hit Bella while playing soccer. It hit her right in her forehead. Jack rushed coming over, he actually fell himself
"Are you okay?",he asked
"Um sure?",Bella shyly replied
"Let me make it up for you",Jack said
"H-o-w?", Bella asked shyly
"Let's see...what about go see a movie?". Jack suggested
"Umm sure?", Bella asked
"Cool I'll pick you up tomorrow at 6:00pm", Jack responded while walking away
"You will be mine and nobody's else. And I will kill anyone who touches you or looks at you, Bella", Jack said to with a smirk while walking away
"Wait...did I tell him where I live?", Bella asked to herself
"I don't even have his phone number....oof", Bella continued
"BELLA!", a familiar voice yelled as he ran up to her
"Hey Luke", Bella said with a wave
" are you?", Luke asked
"Good and you?", Bella answered
"Good", Luke responded.
Jack's point of view
I stopped walking when I heard Bella's name being yelled. I turned around and see a boy talking to her...I was so mad I felt like punching him.
"Hey dude", James said
"What?!?", I roared
"Chill what's wrong?", James asked
"Urggg look Bell is talking to a boy....ARE YOU BLIND?", I yelled
"Dude no no no you can't be serious ", James replied
What?", I slowly asked
"You like her?", James asked
"Yes duh", I answered
"And u don't like her talking to another boy except me", I continued
"Don't do anything stupid", James said as he walked away
"Oh I won't I'll just kill the boys Bella talks to..meaning that boy she is talking to right now", I thought to myself
James point of you
"He can't like anyone, the last time he liked someone the poor girl died", I thought to myself as I got away
"I hope he doesn't become too obsessed", I continue as I sighed slowly
Bella's point of you
"Soon do you after school club today?", I asked Luke
"Sadly yes",Luke responded
"Oof I was gonna invite you over to study", I pleaded
"Bummer..anyway got to go baii", Luke said
"Bye weirdo", I waved a he said walk away
"Now what do I do?", I thought to myself. I walked to the library and sat down. I opened my phone and see 9 unread messages
"Huh?", I thought...I read them one by one
"Hey beautiful", the first text said
"How are you?", the second text said
"Your friend is gonna go away" it continued
"Say goodbye", the fourth said
"RESPOND!!!!", the fitht said. I stopped reading them
"Who is thes-", I got interrupted by the bell.
Jack's point of you
"I can see you Bella...and I won't let you go", I said with a smirk
"Time to plan a murder", I continued
To be continued...