Beloved Willow
Please don’t cry even though i spread my wings and took to the sky
I am still here with you through the night
So please don’t weep like the beloved willow
For you see it will be alright
I’m watching over you just take a look around
I am the light and the darkness
I’m the air and the sky even a little butterfly
Do you see it now
I’m everywhere just take a look around
Do you see it now
I haven’t left you for i’m still here for you
So please don’t cry
Where did your smile go
Please don’t live in grief
Move on and hold onto the memories we made
I am alive and I’m up in the sky
Just like I’m in your heart
So please don’t cry please don’t weep like the beloved willow
For you are not alone because i’m still here
I love you
I’ve always have and always will forever
I’m holding your hand and you just can’t feel it
I’m giving you a kiss and you just don’t know it
My heart is still beating with my love for you
So please don’t cry because I am with you
Please don’t weep like the beloved willow
For I am here and i’ll always be with you
No matter what happens i’ll always love you