Being True.
Questions with no answer
But who is it that I speak to?
I thought I knew...
A fire burned deep within my soul for the one I called
Father, Friend, Savior
My tri-fold unit
Father, Son, Holy Spirit
But can feel it...
Or is it just the programming that’s been jammed into my back side
Fucking me over, time and time again
As I blindly follow the sheep to the slaughter,
but you called me daughter.
And you showed me what it was like to be loved
“Love from up above”
Have I turned my back or have you?
There’s a call for my soul
It’s growing louder as the light blinds
The veil torn and I can see these old rags are worn.
I wanna spread my wings and fly
But there’s this guy..
ball and chain to old ways
But those were the old days.
Im breaking out and breaking free
Undoing these chains that you left on me.
Father, tell me it hasn’t been all lies
That they didn’t use you to disguise
The reasons why Mom won’t love me
Saying “she’s only like that because of her past,but Christ will make her changes last.”
Fuck that.
They use your name to cop a quick high of grace
While they turn around and spit on the face
Of those who spread love and not hate.
I’m tired of the old ways
Tired of the wasted tears and cries to the man in the sky,
Who was made up by lies from these fucks who think they can get a quick buck through offering.
But I offer my soul to the one who knows...
The story will be told.
And it is me.