Being Poetically Correct Part 68-new video
the truth of 666 by MVP-Most Valuable Poet
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Trials and Tribulations by: Luis V
Through the trials and tribulations I questioned my faith
I questioned my loyalty to God
I questioned if he was even there
I even dug myself a grave and made myself a casket
I feel my soul crying for help
I feel my body feeling the effects of that
My body starts to get heavy
My heart starts to ache
These youth killing other youth
Is giving me anxiety
I need a gun to protect myself
I’m not safe on these streets
I try to keep it 100
But the people that love me helped me realize that I’m not alone
That God is with me
They took me out of the whole that I dug
I hear the lord saying my name
But I read my tombstone
It says RIP Luis V
A good kid, a gentle soul, tried to live life to the fullest.
With Jeremiah 29:11 engraved underneath the words
But these youths killing youths is giving me anxiety
I look at the blue pill in my right hand
I see what my life would be like
Life in sin
Life with no escape
I look at the red pill in my left hand
I see my life at peace
I see my relationship with my father repaired
I see my relationship with Jesus repaired
Which pill do I take?
I take the red pill
But for right now my life is in the blue pill
I need a gun
These youth on the streets out here
Killing their own kind
Killing senior citizens
I constantly have to look over my shoulder
To make sure I’m not next
I need a gun
new poem brother