Being Iago
I close my eyes and breathe
as I try to remember
my likes, my loves,
my dislikes, my hates,
my hobbies, my work,
my friends, my enemies.
I have to remember
my character, my lines,
what they know and what they don’t.
What stories I’ve told,
and the ones I’ve held back.
To them, I am honest,
like Iago to Othello.
And it is true,
I am Iago,
and they only see
what I choose to show them.
And what they don’t know,
or don’t care to see,
is that my character,
the honest Iago,
has long since died.
The honest Iago,
who I used to be,
was a slave, a servant,
a confidant, a fool;
my feelings and emotions
never mattered to them.
All they cared about was
the comedic mask I wore
because it showed that I
was following their rules.
But I am no longer honest.
I have grown, I have changed.
I created my own set of rules
for myself, and only myself.
They still expect me to play
their game with them.
But as I said,
I am no longer honest.
Discreetly, I have been
changing their rules
to more match my own.
However, unlike Iago,
I am not vindictive.
I only try to change a few of
their rules, like their wording,
from “baby” to “youngest”
all so that I can better fit
into their lives
without needing to be
a character, pretending
to be who I was.
I do it so that I do
not have to hurt them
and cut myself out
I open my eyes and
I see them.
Working the same jobs they hate
with the same friends.
Exactly where they were,
where they have been for years.
Since they are the same,
they expect me to be as well,
which is why I need to be
discreet and take small steps.
Anything obvious or large will
scare and upset them.
But I am hopeful that,
very delicately,
my small steps will
be successful.
I am hopeful that they
will see me for who I am,
not who I was.
But, until then,
I shall be Iago.
Honest, but lying.
And I shall wait,
in the shadows,
holding onto the handkerchief,
until the time to play
it arises.
However, the idea must be
in their heads before
I tell them I’ve grown up,
and it’s time for me to
move on so I can
pursue what I love.
And hopefully,
if I prepare them enough,
they will be ready
for me to be ready
and they will let me go
and I can finally smile.