behind the scenes
How would it feel if you put your bloodsweatandtears into advancing the world
And no one knew your name
No one knew how hard you tried
How many times you stayed up late in the lab getting “one last sample
Let me test this one more time”
How many times you felt endangered- like a rare breed
You may not be a biologist but you felt like you were at least Vulnerable (VU) to be wiped out
Off the top of my head, i can only name a few female scientists, you know
You know, the Marie Curie-Sally Ride-Ada Lovelace-Rosalind Frankin-Jane Goodall type
Immortalized in words and pictures
What about the rest? What about everyone else?
They just seem to be ignored and lost until many years later
(If this sounds familiar its because I’m talking about good ol’ Henrietta Lacks)
We should sing of our heroes.
Teach them to our children and put them in movies (starring whatever next Hollywood star)
Spread their stories
Because even stars die a glorious death with pomp and circumstance
But when even your high school chemistry teacher doesn’t know Dorothy Hodgekin
It can get you a little eruptive, a little reactive, a little wired
Because eruptions, reactions, and wires weren’t all made by men.