Behind the Lens and Powder
Crumbing powder that coats the marble
Ran down my face.
The icy rivulets trace
Veins I tried to hide behind the girl I wished I was.
I follow the outline of mascara
Tear tracks from a sorrow I can not cry about.
Wonder at the inherent fragility
Of the reality
Painted for the camera
As it melts, cackling down my cheekbones,
One more filter fall away
As existence presses in upon me
Could the reality lie
In the filters
Behind which hide
A world of people never to see
The light
The life
The love
Of what should have been their reality
But ficklefiltersflickerfromfingersfrightful that finding their one true beauty
Will take too long
And, the moment to post passed,
Watch them fading into the nonbeing
Of the snapshots of dreamlives they store in their glass prisons
One more layer before the sepia of antiquity sets in
And you,
Your dreamlife
Still stuck behind the fear that being human makes you less
Than the best
Than the brightest
That the test
Of time
Will leave you behind
To lie
Among the scraps
And mishaps
That comprise what we thought was bright
That light
We adored to abhor
She's such a -
The comments race
To take their place
Among short-lived Shakespeares
Witty for certain
And bow before curtain
To curtail the falling of our peace and our past
And to beg for the spots
The attentions
Our lots
Rights from birth
To revalidate the worth
We sold to our peers in flashes of fear
To win the approval of those who could make us more than we were.
But I am more than grayscale
The negative light that flipped my colors falters
As I rise to wipe away the reality with no room for me
No more tint to my face
Will alter my base
I am myself
The only one
And Absolute
No one else Alone
Could be as I am now Invincible
Without the Shields I hid behind
One of a kind
Without fear of new realities
I am my own reality
And the filters are gone.