Behind the Filter
You can't define me with a filter.
I cannot be confined to a box in an iPhone screen, I am not an object
If you want to connect it takes more than liking my selfies
It's not healthy, our addiction to refreshing for more likes,
It strikes me as a humanity backpedaling,
It's unsettling, the insanity for the next iPhone 6 the friends the followers
We're walking slower and slower because we're staring down at computerized glow
Where are we going? We are not utilizing our ability to speak to one another
I'm being smothered by the technology
The other day I said hi to my Facebook friend
She looked at me like I had three heads,
Like why are you speaking to me? I do not freaking know you
Oh, you don't? You just liked my status.
How do I adjust to a world that doesn't have the decency
To speak to me other than from behind a computer screen?
Should I use another filter?
Should I use Twitter?
Mankind is deciding its own fate
We need to carry our own weight and stop waiting around
Liking, posting, clicking, the clock is ticking
In a hundred years will my greatest fears be confirmed?
Instead of ants and worms we'll have viruses and malfunctions
I can't stand this dysfunctional society
I can't just submit another comment, I'm Hell bent on fixing this
I'm itching for a cure I'm glitching glitching glitching
I need to recover I need to remove the filter that's covering society
Why are we layering on filter after filter after filter?
Can we peel them off one by one
Or are they sealed on tight, never to be undone?