Change..a wonderful thing he had given to me
The change that made me realize that life was valuable,
He made me feel wanted, beautiful, loved
And that what has made me want more than change,
He..HE! is the one that made me open my eyes and understand
It has always been love that constructed my happiness, and he had
been apart of that happiness of mine, when we laugh and vibe,
All I see is a smile that I will always cherish and adore,
Because He made me change into a girl that I had never though
I could be, change is what had give me the chance to save myself,
From the time I was broken and had been seeking for help,
He had been my angel from heaven, and the man I know
I was searching for, I am very thankful for this beautiful spirit
That God has blessed me with, because change has now passed onto
Me, and because I love you...I will never leave.