Because I Love You
You come to my home and leave without a word.
You forget I’m there, though it sounds absurd.
When things go right, you forget me;
When they go wrong, you hate me.
When I laugh with you, you don’t notice.
When I weep with you, you push me away.
When I do great things for you, you take them for granted.
When I hold you in your pain, you say I don’t care about you.
You are unhappy without me but refuse to let me in.
You open your door to me but then leave me alone by a cold fireplace.
But I knew I could save you.
So I made myself look like you.
I made myself talk like you.
I showed you the way.
I gave you the truth you had craved.
You did not listen, you did not follow, and you did not believe.
So I let you mock me.
I let you beat me.
I let you flay me alive,
And I let you string me high on a tree for all to see the contempt you paid me.
And I let myself die.
And then I rose again to show you your death is not the end.
I left this earthly realm to teach you that this is not your home.
I sent you guides and teachers,
My spirit in your preachers.
And now, I wait for you to look at me and recognize, if only for a moment,
That everything I do is…