Because I Love You
'Because I love you' isn't just phrase
It's words you should cherish for all your days
Because he loves you, you should feel no guilt
Your love should last forever, as a rose that doesn't wilt
Both should communicate, honesty is precious
A relationship without it, has lost it's purest essence
You should support each other through the good and bad times
You shouldn't get mad at the person who cries
Compassion and understanding must exist
A loving, tender gentleness should be felt in every kiss
Disagreements happen with a difference of opinions
It's okay to have disagreements, as long as you don't hit him
Cruel language and emotional damage play a big part
In ruining a relationship and breaking someone's heart
Be true to the person you love and lust not after someone else
For lust is a corrupt form of love and isn't a feeling that should be felt
'Because I love you' will always mean to me
That a healthy relationship functions because of things that can't be seen
Don't manipulate, steal, cheat, or lie
Because I love you, I will care for you even after I die