Beautiful Art

My hero,

What I’m grateful the most,

There are many stereotypes of you,

But I know the real you.


Normal people don’t understand.

They think your just some perverted cartoon,

Weird spikey haired men,

That revolves around a character who knows kung fu,

But I know the real you.


Boobalicious girls,

With long hair curls,

Where they bounce, bounce and bounce to turn your frown upside down.

But I know the real you.


I know you make deep story lines.

Those of which I would profoundly relate to.

I know you make me laugh and cry every time,

And frustrated when there’s no season two.

I know the people who made you poured their hearts out,

Because that’s the most I notice when I see you.


But most of all,

I know you where my hero when I was little,

You are my hero,

My one true knight,

My savior when I couldn’t see the light,

The reason why I feel alive,

And that is why I’ll always saw thank you.



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