Beating Hearts
The greatest thing,
I have ever seen
Is you staring back at me.
The sweetest music,
to have ever filled my ears
is your laughter ringing through the air.
I was never as happy as i had been,
standing there on the sidelines.
I watched you sing.
I watched you laugh.
I watched you smile.
The whole time wishing you would just stay awhile
While my heart beat faster
and the bass got louder
I screamed with all my might.
Some might say their greatest day
was their graduation or wedding day.
For me, standing there,
my heart beating faster
and my breathing growing shallower.
I found myself the happiest,
surrounded by people i didn't know
and listening to a band
who didn't know I existed.
Still, i was happy.
When people you don't know,
make you smile more than the people you do know
why not let them make you smile.