The Beaten Down Path
You have sculpted a loneliness within me that I unknowingly obtained
Perhaps unintentional yet your actions never were
For I cannot resist the temptation to believe there was manipulation behind your words
As the selfishness of your hands and your body overtook the strength of my heart
My body was seen and treated as simply an object of your pleasure
And my heart was disregarded by every empty sentence leaving your lips
And oh your lips
Leaving evidence of the shattered truth I once held onto
As I took to heart the claim you made that you were cautious with the pieces of you that you give away
And you were, as this piece of you was just a mask of a shallow imitation of love and care
You did not give away, you took, and you are taking
You took the control I so desperately attempted to hold onto
You took the security of my identity as a woman with significance and purpose
But once again I circle the mountain that all along I have desired to climb
The scenery is not unfamiliar, yet its presence still remains
It is as if learning from my mistakes is a myth
I have a desperation to bring to reality that each journey around will be the final one
Yet the newly found shattered pieces within me prove the unattainability of that dream
The exhaustion of this journey is unfathomable
It is unknown to you, yet would not be understood even if it was known
As the voices attacking every fiber of my being tell me this will never end
They tell me I am physically desirable and internally tolerable at best
That a desire for my soul and my affection will never be reachable
As around and around I go on this mountain I will never conquer
I have a longing for a new path; surely a new journey
Yet the fear of getting lost and the mystery of the untouched soil holds firm
There is comfortability in my beaten down path
There is an odd and manipulated comfort in the bitterness carried within my repeated journey
There is a fork in the road I repeatedly approach with a choice I once again must make
Where the uncertainty lies and the future appears foggy I see a path
These scars will never heal, yet this journey does not require unstained flesh
One step, one leap, one belief of a light beneath my shadow
One moment, one breath, one path, one journey I must choose to begin