Beaches and scratched sunnies
Wasteland souls
If blemishes form against our grain
We toss them aside
Death in vain
If you become to broken to matter
We’ll leave them to be
Martyrs in tatters
And wasteland souls scatter
So far away they forget there are others
Ones with worn holes from their mothers
Ones with pieces missing from their fathers
Ones who’ve been completely shattered by strangers
And those who make strangers out of souls
Sending them to a wasteland,
There are those who harden with time,
Eventually forgiven for their crime,
For something they had no control,
Yet forgiveness costs,
And what is lost,
Is barely payment.
Other souls
Become tired,
Simply become the sand of a wasteland,
And become one with others long forgotten,
As a massive tombstone
Of worn names
You cannot see one from the next
Yet there’s a little of everyone
Lost in a wasteland.