Be the Change You Wish to See in the World


Why do we focus more on others than ourselves

Our time is spent saturated in fulfilling the desires of others

We hope and pray for a change, but don't act to reach our aspirations

We walk out the doors, secured in our comfort zone

But blind in the midst of a changing tide


An opportunity arises

We turn it down, for fear of our incompetence

For it is better to walk alongside assurance

rather than the uncertainty of our future

Were much better, siding with what were accustomed to


But how can we be that change we wish to see in the world?

It is time the wild flowers of the field sprout and the heavens sing our name

Let our minds be receptive to the blue sky above us 

Our hearts eager for a change in the calm winds blowing

Our voices loud, but our actions stronger for were leading others

just like us to make a difference in the world


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