Be Brave
At 6:36 on a sunday my life changed forever.
A baby was born,
and I was a big sister.
I learned something about love.
I never knew I was going to love that little baby.
Love it as much as I did.
At 4:16 on a friday my life was forever changed, again.
The phone rang,
and there had been an accident.
I learned something new about love.
It never leaves your heart.
And, I will forever and always love that “baby”.
-A fifteen year old,
fighting depression pulls the trigger.
And I’m not big sister anymore.
There is a price for love,
And that’s loss.
Love is not lost when we lose someone.
It’s found, it is confirmed.
Because I know that I do,
and will have this love in my heart,
now and forever.
My heart that will never be empty,
because there is where I will hold the memories--
My heart is also broken.
Broken, because of the physical loss.
And it breaks over and over because of the pain that pulled the trigger.
I want to say to anyone hurting and broken.
Next week,
Next month,
Or next year,
that if you are hurting and need help, ask for it.
Please don’t try to face the world alone.
You are so loved.
You are important,
and you are valued.
There are so many people who would do anything for you.
You don’t he to be tough.
It’s okay to ask for help.
Try to be brave.
Brave enough to speak out for yourself or for a loved one who is in pain.
Brave enough to say “ I love you.”
Brave enough to be a voice.