Barrier Breaker
I hit the wall so hard with a chair,
That I broke some pieces off of it.
As it turned out the wall was fragile,
Much more than was anticipated.
What was supposed to be my support,
Ended up being my own poison.
There was a monster inside of me,
From a list of hosts I was chosen.
When I saw the mark of my madness,
I realized how mad I really was.
I saw myself through another's eyes,
Knowing that madness was no good cause.
I arrived at a revelation,
That the wall was actually me.
The broken pieces took away peace,
Gave me fear at a price not so free.
I had broken myself through violence,
The fragile man that I really am.
The surrounding wall that was my home,
Was now akin to a broken dam.
The mark looked as if it had been there,
For as long as I could recollect.
I tried to collect myself again,
The saint whom I wished to resurrect.
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