Back In Five
I found out I was a hostage today by no royal decree
Instead what shook me back awake was my thumb's lethargy
I hadn't texted or tweeted or even right-clicked and had entered finger atrophy
I peered out the window, the seasons had changed, said the leafless winter tree
How had my captors accomplished this, how had they brainwashed me
My heart skipped a beat as I found the villains, my phone, computer, and T.V.
The days had grown short, the leaves had fallen, I was a slave to technology
I grabbed a book to look up my condition but the text did not agree
Instead I had picked up Mody Dick and was soon transported to sea
When the words finished flowing I walked outside and noticed my dog now clearly
The canine was sturdy and adult-like now but had just seemed to be a puppy
What else had I missed while I was plugged in, while I lost my identity
I looked for my sister in the hopes that she could explain this inconsistency
She was sitting alone, by herself and silent with no sign of emergency
When I asked what was wrong there were no words she only held up her Galaxy
Her lack of response made me vengeful and sad so I took the phone and began to flee
All my worries were gone when I looked at the screen and began a gaming spree
The pixels regained their control and consuming, I fleetingly yearn to break free
I'll be back in a moment to finish this poem but I just got to level three