Babiess Having Babies
What's wrong with this world all these babies having babies
Barley grown up and got a raise they own baby
What happened to when we used to look down on this behavior
It seems like this world needs to look around for a savior
Can't even support yourself ain't even got an education
Gotta drop out so you can join some wack coorporation
flinging burgers to support a child who woulda been better off
if you just finished your education got a real job them setoff
your plan to have a family oh what a better life it would be
if you were smart enough to wait to expand your family tree
Get your life under control so you can support yourself
before you go out and try to support someone else
Live your life it's worth it to be a better you
No babies 'til your ready come on get a clue
No more babies before we're ready we stand up to move
Teen pregnancy prevention 100% approved