Awake! Awake!
A poisonous lure tugs at my heart
Which as of now has yet to start
Should I forsake my righteous robe
For filth and rubbish, vile
My eyes, downcast, and dimly focused
Gaze toward those scales, long unnoticed
Which once before had made me blind
A slave of sin and death
And in this sluggish state of slumber
Approaching what will soon encumber
My cruel old master lies in wait
To chain my outstretched wrists
Awake! Awake! My Savior’s light
Shines through the darkness of the night
Aroused, I see in truth what was
The shadows had tricked my eyes
Along with my shackles lies a pile of dung
Mistaken for treasures while temptation had sung
My cruel old master creeps back in his place
Clutching those sinister scales
Why do I do what I don’t want to do
And that which I should I don’t do?
Who will deliver me from this body of death
From the alluring seduction of sleep?
Awake! Awake! My Savior cried
In one swift motion at my side
He took me in His loving arms
And gave me back my robe
Delighted again by His beauty and worth
My heart overflows with rejoicing and mirth
In worship, I raise up my shackle-less hands
To give praise to my Father, my King
Why would I trade in this freedom and love
For a pile of dung, a slave-master thereof?
Awake! Awake! Let the true light shine through
Alas, now I can see