Autumn (Throwback Project - 8th Grade)
The first leaf of Autumn falls and slowly drifts away.
A chill runs through the air.
It now appears a new season is here to stay.
A lone crow, fighting it's way through a river of air
One black cat, hunting a mouse,
in the ally way, next to a house.
Aside from these creatures of day and night,
The streets are deserted at twilight,
on all of the days since summer took flight.
One bright spot still remains through this forgotten season,
A night when kids have a reason to scream and shout,
It is Halloween, the pinnacle of fear!
All things of evil, ghouls and goblins alike,
as if guided by a signal,
come out of hiding on this enchanted night.
Families stay in for a Halloween feast,
then jump into costume,
and prepare for dessert, last but not least.
The streets come alive and fill with children
Each house places a pumpkin on it's porch,
as the chants of "Trick-or-Treat" are heard for miles around.
Hordes of sweets are handed out,
and are popped into the mouths of appreciative children,
the wrappers drifting all around.
Then the holiday slowly comes to an end,
as supplies of candy run thin,
and the masked marauders take their stashes and run home again.
Sweets are sorted and joyous celebration ensues,
and after that, sugar subdued,
the children are tucked into bed.
With heads full of dreams,
and stomachs bursting at the seams,
they begin to drift to the realm of sleep.
Lights are turned off,
and the valley goes dark,
as the witches fly home after a long night's work.
Just a few days from tonight,
this nearly forgotten season will be over,
giving way to Winter's chills.
But not until the last leaf of Autumn falls.