The Author and the Story


You were a natural,

When it came to using a pen.

A beautiful artist,

That decides what's then.


A painter with words,

That colored the skies.

Spills of violet and orange,

That filled in all the lines.


I couldn't believe you,

And all that you were.

An existence that defied,

Making everything a slur.


The slur of words that,

Slithered down my spine.

My endless search for,

A word I wanted to find.


Ridiculously in love,

I made a wish.

That you'd never leave,

Like everyone before.


You wrote my skin,

Across the air.

You defined my being,

With cautious care.


I breathed my first,

When you touched me.

My body a wonderland,

That because of you, I'll always be.


The Author mangled his hands,

And wrote with his kiss.

Till my skin was lost,

Missing this.


You wrote a story,

On the nape of my neck.

With the touch of your hand,

I became a beautiful wreck.


Your lips kissed up,

My fiery tale.

One that burned me alive,

When I fell.


Fell down a dungeon deep,

Of wispy dreams of me and you.

A story of our hands held,

Knowing what we've been through.


We've been through fire,

And hail and storm.

Every disaster known,

But we still stayed warm.


Our bodies nestled tight,

Where only the stars exist.

A place that only we know,

Where we can't resist.


You the Author,

Wrote us.

I was the Story,

And I still am.


You gave me the life,

The paper in my veins.

The words in my mouth,

And the prints of your kiss.


And I'll never say The End,

Till you write a new ending.

That sends me away,

Away to the lands of the masquerading.


And then I saw you,

Standing in front of me.

Tears in your eyes,

Why, I couldn't see.


He pulled out a pen,

Wrote something down.

Crying harder the farther he wrote,

And I saw what he wrote.


It was my "The End,"

But not the one I hoped for.

The one I didn't expect,

The one that shattered my core.


He wrote only one word,

And it was just that one.

The one that truly was my The End,

There it was, and he was gone.


All that was left,

Was a word.

On a tearstained notepad,



Karolyn thayne

I seriously love your poems there so good! Do you have a kik? It would be chill to talk to you cx anyways if you do mines under meow_mixes

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