Athena's Fight

I was born on a day of wisdom,

I know right from wrong,

I know truth from lies,

And fear from song.


People should listen.


But no. 

This is today,

And I am a woman,

And today never listens to even the wisest women.


But I am wise and I am strong,

This war has not ended,

The fight has begun.


And since I am wise,

No one can stop me,

I am fire, rapidly rising.


Just like the earth is still round,

And the ocean still wet,

Women can still be everything,

Women should still have a say.


I am still young,

But I am still strong

And I still know right from wrong.


And just like the goddesses;

The women, 

Before me,

I will continue to fight for our voice,

For our rights,

For our lives.


I was born on a day of wisdom,

I rose from my parent’s head,

I know what is right,

What is wrong,

And the world needs to listen.


I am wise,

I am strong,

My name is Athena afterall.


This poem is about: 
Our world


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