When you see a person standing at the street
Eye puffy, cheeks wet
all the while staring at their feet
Ask why they are crying don't let them go saying
their okay or fine
that is a lie.
When you see a woman smiling outside
but feel something wrong
is everything okay?
If she says of course she is happy try to make sure
it is not being sappy.
that girl who stuffing her face
who put her in that dark place.
Or that gay man or leisban woman
why they are ashame for what they like.
Ask why they are going to end their life?
Tell them don't look pass all the hate
all the lies
all the insluts
be that person they need in the end
be the light they need to be lifted up.
if they need a friend to be there for them
a hug
a promise.
for them not to leave their life behind
because there will be a person who will ask
why did they leave them behind.