The Artists of Life
I am a compilation of every person I've known, every moment I've lived
I am molded like a piece of clay every day, shaped into a new work of art in each waking hour
There are bad times and good times, bad people and good people, and they all leave an impression
All of it makes me who I am... whether I wanted it or not
Change can't be stopped, it's inevitable, and it's happening always
I am who I am because of the life I've lived so far
I may not like some of these experiences, but they've created me and I happen to like me
The people and moments that are my artists are creative, they've thrown a lot of stuff at me
They've hit artists' blocks, gone through times of inspiration and depression, coming up with good ideas and bad ideas along the way
Some bad ideas got covered up by the next artist, some surprisingly worked out for the better
But all of these artists added character to the creation, one at a time, building on each other's ideas
All that hard work just to create one single person
I am my life's masterpiece