Are You Not Entertained?!
Are you not entertained as I pace around in your parade
Follow your rules and be stung by your commands
Be swept up in fear by your threats and arrogance
Not understand why you treat me if I do not feel pain
Do you not see the tears I try to hold back so you may not see I'm tired
Can you not see me break piece by piece
Cause of the pressure you put on me
Can you not see that I have reached my limit...
but you still carry on to try to break me so I may be controlled,
put in my place,and be lined up like the rest
When does it end, where I and my mind can breath freely
so I may be open to many things that have been taken away from me
My dignitgy, My right, My mind, My life
Will I retain this thing that "you" have so called so said "they don't matter"
Because "you" have taken over my life...
But no more will I let you take the little freedom I have left
I shall break these chains you put on me
And break away from this world "you" so called created for me.