Aquired Taste
Mayonnaise, lemon, fish, and avocado
Scrambled eggs, sushi, kiwi, cream cheese
Foods I’d eat? No!!
Cookies, oranges, pizza as I please
But not the nasty food,
that weren’t swallowed with ease
Those just got booed
“You can go out and play,
please just eat,” Mom wishes
“No thanks,” I say,
“I’d rather eat the dishes.”
I refused the meals until one day
I gave up with a loud “okay, I’ll try it!”
Nose pinched, eyes shut I took a chance
Then couldn’t remember the cause of my fit
Mom jumped for joy and did a dance
Clearly glad she hadn’t quit
My pickiness disappeared
I gulp it down
And forget what I feared
But one food will always make me frown
Broccoli. Still can’t choke that down