An Apology To All The People Who've Tried Having A Conversation With Me And Failed
I know you're just trying to be friendly cause you're a friendly person
And I know talking to me can be like talking to an automated answer machine with all my standard automatic answers
I know getting words our of me can be like trying to drag a truck over a wall
See a long ago I came to the conclusion that what I had to say was unimportant
Words I handed out were used to punch me in the face
People I gave my smiles to freely charged me for theirs and now I'm broke
The emotional labour of pushing through rejection became too much so I stopped
Problem is now I can't really start again
You ever tried walking up a steep hill dragging a house behind you?
That's exactly what this is with the hill being social situations and the house being my fears
Words do marathons in my head day and night but seem to completely run out of steam when they reach my tongue
So I'm sorry, I know you're just trying to be nice
And I feel bad I can't reciprocate the effort
But my past is heavy. I'm working on it though
Just don't give up on me, don't give up on me