AP Calculus
On the very first day
you get assined you calculator.
This integral object will have to become your new best friend,
along wiht the unit cirle.
All summer you have been studying countless revew packets-
in hope not embarass yourself too badly infront of all the othrer nerds.
Math becomes your life.
Nightly dreams consit of derivatives, ceaseless equations, and the occasional tanget line.
Throughout the year,
you will learn everything needed to be successful on Cal 1 in college.
Calculus, Calculus, Calculs.
The GPA game is too real;
students stress over making a 99 on the tests,
cheating gets worse as the year goes along.
Calculus, Calculus, Calculus.
Hours of sleep lost,
many all-nighters spent studying; memorising formula after formula.
Calculus Calculus Calculus