Answer: I don't know
Wondering around.. following the wind..
Trying to not be lost
stumbling upon my flaws,
falling into holes..
Never quite understanding, the purpose of it all..
Complete and uder disorder.
DiscomboBluAted and carefree.
Where is the path for my destiny?
Where is that path of success?
I am losing myself in a world,
.....where my best is no longer my best..
The mirror of mine is cloudy: The more I look the less I see..
I cant see who I am to be.
To be or not to be? Answering brings trouble..
I cant even pull my essence out of the rubble..
I feel like my future is in someone else's hands.. someone else is making demands..
someone else calling the shots.. just another work in progress
I am.
I am.
I am.
I am.
Question:What am I?