The Answer Could Never Be Simple
Who am I?
A question that I wish I had a simple answer to.
One that has haunted me from the time I was little.
It has caused an endless internal debate that cries from deep within;
So deep it rattles throughout my skeleton.
Could I be the cup of green tea I crave occasionally?
Or the books that I can never put down?
Maybe I am the anxiety that causes my heart to race or creates a knot in my stomach?
Or the depression that comes and goes like a dark storm cloud?
I know I am not the grades on my reports;
Or the number on the scale.
But I could be the way I feel others' pain so deeply;
And how I could never turn a lost soul away.
Is it possible for me to be the girl who is indecisive,
But also so driven for success?
Or a Christian who can’t always find her way back to the cross?
I know I am blonde,
Green eyed,
And fifteen,
I am an honor student,
And a sophomore in high school,
But I want to be more;
So maybe I know who I am,
But the answer could never be simple.