An Anglo- Saxon Boast
My Name is Haley Jean Koehler
I love my Friends, and Family too
Daughter of Amme, and Descendant of Ken
I am from Nowhere, yet Everywhere
Crossing the Magnificent sea in the Metal Bird
I wander only where wanderers know
And letting my mind wander to the middle Macrocosm
My home, My Heart, My house of blood
I reminisce in the idea of home;
Only in September do strangers drink together
Only in the academy, are you acquaintances with anybody
Only in my home can you drink mead on your sweet 16th
But that's the thing with my home
Nobody cares that you are a stranger
Nobody cares that you have too many friends
Nobody cares once you turn 16
Because in my beautiful world
Everyone cares about you and what you do
Because only here is Everyone essential for each other’s enjoyment
That is the beauty of my house of blood
Everyone is everything to each other
And if you have encountered that enjoyment, you are a winner
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